Imagine living in a strata block on a property where every tenant pays the same for their water, when some use a little and others use a lot. It’s hardly fair, but if your apartment block or body corporate has separate, individual meters for each flat, everyone pays for the exact amount of water they use during each month or quarter.
At The Water Meter Guys, our installation of individual meters helps to make sure the amount you pay for your water usage is equitable, fair and hinges on your actual usage.
The Benefits of Installing Individual Meters
The installation of separate water meters helps tenants and consumers reduce their water consumption, since they can monitor their daily water usage and change their habits accordingly, saving you money on their bill. This has benefits not only for people but for the environment. Also, separate smart meters benefit utility providers because they don’t have to spend significant amounts of money to develop and improve their existing infrastructure.
Home smart meters save everyone money. Councils and water authorities can detect and catch a leakage in the system, lessening the chance of water wastage. Water authorities and the body corporate in a block of units can monitor usage and provide precise billing to each separate consumer.
People who own holiday units in apartment blocks can also benefit. If the property has individual water meters for units where there are permanent tenants, they quite rightly feel ripped off if they’re paying the same for water usage as the others. With an individual meter, the holiday unit owner will only pay for their usage.
Where Do The Water Meter Guys Install Meters?
As experts in individual meter installation and service, we provide installations for owners and body corporates, property developers, and residential properties. If there’s an isolating tap that can turn off the water to each unit, we use that to retrofit new, individual meters.
Some properties already have separate, individual meters but they haven’t been approved or are deemed non compliant by the local council or water authority. This means the utility provider will not read these meters for unit owners or tenants individually until the proper water meters are installed.
Why Can’t Any Plumber Install Individual Water Meters?
The experts in our business are inducted Licensed Plumbers who work under Safe Work Management Systems with all the required insurances and using the latest plumbing materials and technology. The installation of separate metering is a specialist field not open to the everyday plumber. We have a wealth of experience and are specialists in this area, which means our work is efficient and quick. This equates to water authority compliance and good value for our clients.
Another reason ordinary plumbers cannot undertake the installation of individual water meters has to do with local council rules. For instance, if you’ve just bought a property to develop, you must comply with local council meter installation rules in your Development Application (DA) for your unit or apartment complex or even for a housing block. Councils now stipulate that developers and owners install meters in line with the size of the development. Most councils and water authorities demand that these new meters are installed by qualified licensed and inducted plumbers such as ours at The Water Meter Guys.
How Much Experience Do Your Plumbers Have?
At The Water Meter Guys, this is all we spend our water service workdays doing – installing separate water meters in small to medium developments for property owners in Brisbane, on the Gold Coast, and the Sunshine Coast regions. We are well-versed in the requirements of all local councils on individual meters, including Brisbane City Council, the City of Gold Coast, and Logan Council and authorities such as Urban Utilities in Brisbane and Unity Water in the northern regions.
For example, we’ve installed a separate meter when the council water main was on the opposite side of the road to the property. This meant a horizontal bore was needed to go beneath the road and install a pipe sleeve for the new water pipe. Our team had to locate existing underground services, excavate down to the council water main and carry out a ‘hot tap’ or ‘live tap’ without shutting down the water main. We then ran the new pipe through the sleeve near ground level and installed the new separate meter for the property.
All council development applications are taken care of by our team, which means you don’t have to worry about dealing with local authorities to have your individual meter or meters installed on your property.
CALL US NOW on 1300 202 962 for a quote to get your new individual water meters installed.